Photo from the Blue Haze Run 2022

Oh dear.  Despite good weather , only four of us turned up for this run and only two of us were on two strokes:  Andy Grew on his Yamaha 400 trail bike and Andrew Rae on his mighty Simson (which never ceases to impress!).  I came along on my ’31 Ariel Sloper which sometimes smokes enough to fool people into thinking it’s a two stroke.  The fourth person was a potential new member to the VMCC and our Section who came along on her Triumph Bonneville.  Welcome Bridget, nice chatting with you and we hope to see you at some of our future runs.

After stopping at the Udder Farm Shop for coffee etc, we decided not to continue the rest of the run and instead sat in the sun, enjoyed some lunch and had a very pleasant chin wag.  Despite the very poor attendance, I think the four of us enjoyed it. Many thanks Andy.