Well it was the second day of Spring, therefore it snowed – obviously! I did phone Bernard to check if he wanted to cancel but, of course, he is made of sterner stuff than most and never cancels a run due to a bit of weather. Here’s Bernard’s report on the event.
Four stalwart members of our section signed on plus Dave Brown from South Dorset VMCC and Keith Welch from Winchester way. We also had a last minute arrival too late to sign on (rumoured to be Steve Edgington from South Dorset – Andy).
I admit the previous day or two we had had some pretty heavy rainfall and our chairman did email me about snow in Gillingham, but I did expect a better attendance. The weather was cool ( cool? – Andy)and dry when I left home and when we left Blandford.
Anyway we set off OK but I followed my own way to Child Oakford and most followed me. This was not the written route as was pointed out to me later, we should have gone further up the A350 and turned later to Child Oakford. There was plenty of standing water but only a couple places where it had flooded the road completely, so not too difficult to avoid the puddles. The main threat was from the spray of oncoming vehicles, some biker friendly car and lorries did slow down so as not to drown us. Once we got north of Gillingham snow was quite evident in the fields but none on the road. Only when we hit the minor road north of Stourhead was there a couple of line of slush on the road, but caused no problem and about this time we picked up a bit of drizzle otherwise dry from the heavens.
Most of us reached the Nunny Catch Café OK. Never saw the guy who arrived at Blandford late. Meal Choice was split, most going for a cooked one, but a couple chose just to have a pudding! Each to his own. I don’t think anybody went back to the route finished point. I and I know a number of others decided to head home. The weather had turned a bit, so a wetter return, but still an enjoyable day.