I think we would all like to thank Andrew and Ray for organising our Dorset Section stand at the Bristol Classic Motorcycle Show last weekend. We had a very good footfall even though our stand was not in the most prominent position, and may even have gained some new members. Andrew’s report on the show follows.
Dear Dorset Section Members,
Ray and I would like to say an enormous thank you to all the members whose hard work made it possible to stage another (we feel) successful Bristol Show stand.
The real hard workers being Linda, Fay, Marie & Alison who kept us fed and watered through the weekend also all those who baked and delivered delicious cakes.
Next the generous fellows who create a show for Mortons, everyone who brought along their unrestored motorcycles for us all to ogle.
Finally to the workers who got their hands dirty aiding with the erecting and dismantling of the stand, I would like to commend our esteemed Chairperson for riding his Yamaha to the Show, I suspect the return journey was more than a little moist.
Now the bit you are all interested in ! We raised for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance the sum of £280, not as much as last year but a valiant effort, thank you everyone.
Andrew & Ray.
Thanks to Ray and Paul Wirdnam for the photos. A lot of pictures of scooters are included, makes me wonder if the MZ’s will soon be making way for Vespa’s in Pauls garage!