Today is Wednesday, 1st June and our GIANTS 2022 Run held last weekend is already becoming a distant memory, so I had better hand over to Paul Miles for the report but, before doing so, I’d like to personally thank the following:
- Obviously Paul Miles, the Dorset Section’s current Chairman and our very own “Ideas” man. He made the event happen
- Ray & Linda Dickinson, Simon Barker and Kevin Chapman helping with the parking and ably assisted by Maurice & Marie McGladdery and Colin Jacobs.
- Philippa Wirdnam and Penny Druce on the check-in desk.
- Margot and her team at Thyme after Time Café
- And, of course, all those riders and pillions who took part…..GIANTS, everyone of you!
Dorset’s very own GIANTS run was held over the weekend, the 100 available spaces having sold out months ago. Held for the second year at Spirehill farm, we hosted some 25 people on Saturday evening for an informal 28-mile ride, followed by supper at Thyme after time. The (mostly) happy campers then settled for the night, in preparation for the main event.
Some 97 riders, many with pillions, made the start on Sunday morning, the sight of nearly a hundred girder fork motorcycles made quite the spectacle! Waved off by section President Carol Hann, the entrants enjoyed a choice of two routes, each expertly crafted by Paul Wirdnam. The weather was perfect and even the inevitable breakdowns failed to mar what was a great ride, encompassing several different Lawrence of Arabia POI, this year’s nominal GIANT. Returning to Spirehill, Margot at T after T opened once again for us, proving a super lunch. Each rider received a commemorative local beer, complete with special label, as a take home present.
I’ve since almost lost count of the number of kind comments about the event, including high praise for the routes and maps (a 45-year member from Hereford told me they set a gold standard for clarity). The catering seemed to be well-received and the venue itself is proving ideally suited to the GIANTS run. It would have been impossible to stage the run without huge input from secretary Paul W and proceedings were further smoothed by the presence of Ray & Linda, who spent the weekend greeting and helping, braving the elements in their motorhome! I would also like to thank the members who volunteered to help on the day with trailer parking and general organisation of the riders, it really was like herding cats at certain times. They include Maurice & Marie, Colin Jacobs, Simon Barker and Kevin Chapman.
Please take a moment to view the photographs, it really was a great weekend. If you already have a girder bike, or are thinking about getting one, and didn’t ride this year, then please try to enter for 2023. And, if you have more than one girder bike, why not consider lending one to another section member so they can enjoy one of the section events Dorset should rightly be so proud of staging.
Note : the photos come from Paul Wirdnam, Paul Miles, Simon Webb and Margot @ T after T— many thanks to all.
Saturday Afternoon

Drone video of the riders and their bikes arriving at Spire Hill:
Spire Hill and Thyme after Time Café

Video of most of the bikes leaving Spire Hill at the start of the run. Kindly provided by Martin and Michael Brown. Look out for the Scott at 1:18… 🙂 (if only videos had smell as well as noise!)

East Creech Tea and Cake House

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