As we all know the AGM is on 11th October 2017, l know this is a long way off but soon comes around, we have potentially a lot of the present committee standing down this year, this is a big problem if we can not replace them. Once l have a better indication of the vacancies then l will publish this as a matter of urgency. I don’t think we can function as a Section without a full committee. I will be standing in for the Chairman while he is away for most of the summer in 2018 but l will be standing down as Vice Chairman at the 2018 AGM. It is imperative if we want to keep the Section going we find new people to stand, please consider this before the next club meeting and speak to me or one of our committee members, or email our Secretary for more information of what is involved.
Some of our committee members have done many years and a lot for the Section and they need a break.
Also we need organisers for the next year runs, without run organisers there will be no runs, it is not fair to put all the runs onto the same few people.
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