AGM – Committee Members

I mentioned in the last post l did about the AGM that l would let you know what posts will be vacant, well all posts are up for grabs.

Most important is we need a Chairman as Ray is standing down and l will not be taking on the duty, someone needs to come along and volunteer for this as we cant run without a Chairman.

There are 7 or 8 more post including Treasurer, Secretary and general posts.

Without these posts being filled we can not run so it is important we fill these as a matter of urgency,

It is worth remembering a lot of the present committee have been doing this for a long time an it is time someone else took on the task to keep the Section running.

If you are interested or want to know more please contact one of the present Committee  members who will be more than happy to discuss it.

Remember it is your Section so please help out.

Phil Allen


4 responses to “AGM – Committee Members”

  1. Paul Wirdnam avatar
    Paul Wirdnam


    I might be willing to volunteer for one of the vacant positions but I would need to know what’s involved in each position. Can someone provide a “job description” for each vacant position?



  2. Ray Dickinson avatar
    Ray Dickinson

    Paul The chairman’s job requires, chairing committee meeting, club night informing members of events and introducing guest speakers etc and supporting the committee.
    Committee members are allocated tasks depending on their skills.
    Run Organiser’s, planning routes, signing on members on the day.
    Anyone volunteering would have the full support and help from those members that have done these tasks in the past. The main requirement is enthusiasm to support the club to become an enjoyable meeting place for motorcyclist .

    1. Paul Wirdnam avatar
      Paul Wirdnam

      Thanks Ray…and good to see you posting here. 😉

  3. Alan Skinner avatar
    Alan Skinner

    As with Paul’s request can a “job description” for each vacant position be posted so we can see what is involved?

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